FooCrypt, A Tale Of Cynical Cyclical Encryption

Provides you with the total peace of mind over the SECURITY & PRIVACY of YOUR DATA via
Cryptography & Steganography

Download FooCrypt.X.Y.Z.Core Documentation
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Executive Summary


FooCrypt, A Tale Of Cynical Cyclical Encryption is a Post-Quantum Cryptography Quantum+ Proof / Secure software solution via Cryptography and Steganography that provides you with the total peace of mind over the SECURITY & PRIVACY of YOUR DATA, whether it is sitting in situ on a MEDIA DEVICE or in TRANSIT.

Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) is about designing cryptographic solutions that can be used by today’s [non-quantum] computers and that are resistant to both conventional and quantum cryptanalysis.

There is an age old comic by XKCD regarding the ‘Security’ of Data, and Brute Force Attacks :

XKCD Security

FooCrypt, A Tale Of Cynical Cyclical Encryption Makes In-Secure & Secure Symmetric Algorithms Quantum+ Proof / Secure, via Cryptography & Steganography, since May, 2019 via FooCrypt.2.2.0.Core.

With the current emergence of Quantum Computing, the Crypto Nerds imagination has become a reality, one that is expected to occur between 2025 – 2030, because If you encrypt data that needs to be kept confidential for more than 10 years and an adversary could gain access to the encrypted data ( cypher text ), you need to take action now to protect your data. Otherwise, your security will be compromised as soon as an adversary gains access to a large quantum computer.

The reality of human brute force attacks, is a never ending battle that all those who have access to the passwords which protect the sensitive data and the encrypted data ( cypher text ), deal with on a daily basis. The advisories may be in person or via the more common electronic means ( Hacking Groups / MALWare / Virus’s / Worms, Etc ).

Resilience is the key to data protection and data security, and utilizing a Post-Quantum Cryptography solution to protect and secure your data, guarantees, that in a worst case scenario where your encrypted data is obtained by an adversary, it remains theoretically secured and protected for the longest amount of time.


FooCrypt, A Tale Of Cynical Cyclical Encryption

  • Maximizes the time it would take an adversary to decrypt the encrypted data.

  • FooSteg ( Steganography ) obtains infinite protection of your Data, when the Data Image is in-transit and/or sitting in-situ on a storage device, independent of the Source Image.

  • FooStegCypher ( Cryptography ) enhances the strength of a Data Image when it is in-transit and/or sitting in-situ on a storage device,  with the Source Image.

  • FooKey_Message ( Cryptography and Steganography ) enhances the strength of your messaging.

  • A FooKey can be created from any commonly sourced file or multiple random data sources ( Pseudo and True ).

  • FooCrypt can be configured so that end users never know the actual password characters utilized to encrypt the data.

  • Can be transparently integrated with any Business’s Document Control / Storage / Email / Systems.


References and Recommended further reading