FooCrypt, A Tale Of Cynical Cyclical Encryption

Provides you with the total peace of mind over the SECURITY & PRIVACY of YOUR DATA via
Cryptography & Steganography

Download FooCrypt.X.Y.Z.Core Documentation
Download FooCrypt.X.Y.Z.Core White Paper


Installing Linux On Windows


You can install a Linux Run Time Environment on Windows 10 via

Windows Subsystem for Linux Installation Guide for Windows 10

Once you have installed the Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS environment

Update the package database

sudo apt update { enter your password when prompted }

Upgrade the Windows Subsystem run time environment

sudo apt upgrade { enter your password when prompted }

Note :

You may be prompted to restart your PC if required by the upgrading of the Ubuntu packages

Install the Ubuntu packages required by FooCrypt

sudo apt install ksh expect tcl tk binutils gzip unzip { enter your password when prompted }

sudo apt install firefox evince { enter your password when prompted }

*firefox is required for viewing HTML [ Online ] & PDF Documentation From The FooCrypt Help Menu
*evince is the standard Ubuntu PDF viewer for viewing the PDF Documentation From The Filesystem

Update your .profile

echo export PATH=\${PATH}:/opt/FooCrypt >> ${HOME}/.profile

Pre FooCrypt.2.1.1 required you to set the DISPLAY variable manually, DISPLAY=:0 this is now set internally by FooCrypt.2.1.1+

echo export DISPLAY=:0.0 >> ${HOME}/.profile


Restart your Ubuntu run time environment by closing the shell window and re opening it.

Install the FooCrypt Debian package as per

sudo dpkg -i foocrypt-X.Y.Z-core-linux_x86_64.deb

You are now able to run FooCrypt via the command line.

In order to utilize FooCrypt via the Graphical User Interface, you will need to install an X Server such as the Ming X Server which is available via
Ming X Server :

Simply install your X Server of choice

You will need to run FooCrypt via the command line once you have opened up the WSL run time environment shell.

Command Line      :          /opt/FooCrypt/FooCrypt

GUI                           :          /opt/FooCrypt/FooCrypt-GUI


*Note : RPM packaging systems

dpkg can be installed via the latest epel-release by following the instructions for your Linux installation @

The FooCrypt install requirements should be installed via yum

The DEBIAN package requirements defined in the FooCrypt Debian package will fail, so you should manually check that all required packages for your installation are available to FooCrypt by running /opt/FooCrypt/FooCrypt -c and fixing any errors.